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He also had pneumonia. So sad.
As usual with me, I'd like to know the UC story there. The word "acute" leads me to believe he was in a bad flare. So sad. He was pretty young still.
unreal. I guess I'm glad I drove down last year to see them in San Jose. did you all know that he had UC? first I had heard of it. I am glad that the local radio described his illness not as stomach trouble as Ive heard OH stations supposedly did, but here they said "intestinal problems" probably because they were afraid of butchering the pronunciation of Ulcerative Colitis. and yes KTA morbidly I wonder the details of acute ulcerative colitis. somewhere else another patient speculated if he developed pneumonia because he was being treated with an immunosuppressive med that exposed him to pneumonia. who knows. very sad.
DeweyJ I was thinking the same thing, "intestinal problems" is easier to say than "complications of ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis" and it also sounds more pleasantly vague to the masses.
I wonder if the pneumonia was brought on by taking biologics to treat the UC and RA. I am guessing that is what happened. 67 isn't terribly old though and pneumonia usually becomes a more lethal killer when people are in their 80s. My friend's mother survived several bouts with pneumonia that almost killed her, got the shot which doesn't immunize against all strains, and she finally died from at third or fourth bout with pneumonia which her body could not fight off. She was 90 or 91.
I read he had pretty major intestinal surgery this past November. I wonder if he got a jpouch??
So sad.
i add my sadness. gives a new meaning--at least to me--to hotel california. maybe his uc was an underlying theme of not being able to check out? too bad he wasn't on our site! or was he?....
Goes to show how serious this disease is and anybody can have it. I think he was suffering quite awhile with it.
One week. Two greats.
Bowie..... Frey.
My youth is fading.
Pneumonia as a complication of surgery can be deadly, especially if it is due to a hospital acquired "superbug." This is a rough surgery when you are young and I have no doubt age and condition at the time of surgery could be a factor. There were probably a number of factors playing here.
I had the same thought as CT, that the pneumonia was a complication from anti-TNF meds (Humira, Remicade, etc.). So sad.
As someone who almost died from UC myself, I have firsthand knowledge that UC can be a fatal disease. We don't know the extent of the complications Glenn Fry had, but UC aside, surgery itself--almost any surgery--always brings with it a risk of complications or death. (We know. We've all signed those forms in the hospital.). Also, as Jan said, pneumonia is unfortunate complication of surgery and hospitalization in general. Being aged 67 and in generally frail overall health from UC and other issues would put him at higher risk. And yes, perhaps he was also taking biologics, which could have affected his immunity. Either way, this should be an important reminder of how serious UC can be. I am over 10 years out from my near-fatal experience from this disease, and yet I meet people all the time who do not comprehend the severity and feel it is akin to IBS. I still have to deal with that stigma.
I previously posted about him in another thread, but keyboardist Nicky Hopkins was another famous musician who died after surgery for IBD (Crohn's Disease) - at age 50 in 1994. He did a lot of session work with the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin and might have become a permanent member of one or the other of those groups or the Yardbirds but for his Crohn's Disease. He was unable to tour because of the illness. More about this here:
My favorite work by Nicky was his collaboraton with Jeff Beck of the Yardbirds, Jimmy Page of what would later be Led Zeppelin, John Paul Jones who would also later be part of Led Zeppelin, and Keith Moon, legendary drummer of the Who, on Beck's Bolero. Beck's Bolero is an utterly brilliant, ahead of its time psychedelic rock instrumental made in 1966. This video features the song (music starts at 0:09 as well) as well as a photographic collage of these legendary musicians as they appeared at that time:
Monday's announcement included lyrics to the following song:
“It's Your World Now” Written by Glenn Frey and Jack Tempchin From the Eagles’ Long Road Out of Eden album.
"A perfect day, the sun is sinkin' low. As evening falls, the gentle breezes blow. The time we shared went by so fast. Just like a dream, we knew it couldn't last. But I'd do it all again If I could, somehow. But I must be leavin' soon. It's your world now.
It's your world now. My race is run. I'm moving on like the setting sun. No sad goodbyes. No tears allowed. You'll be alright. It's your world now.
Even when we are apart, you'll always be in my heart. When dark clouds appear in the sky, remember true love never dies.
But first a kiss, one glass of wine. Just one more dance while there's still time. My one last wish: someday, you'll see how hard I tried and how much you meant to me.
It's your world now, use well your time. Be part of something good. Leave something good behind. The curtain falls. I take my bow. That's how it's meant to be. It's your world now. It's your world now. It's your world now."