I've had my pouch for 6 years without issue after 10 years of pretty severe UC. Last week I travelled from NYC to Vanuatu (near Fiji and about 30hrs travel time from NY). On the flight here I experienced pretty bad bowel pain after my meal at JFK airport reminiscent of my intestinal blockage before my reconnective surgery for my pouch. I've continued to pass liquid stool all along. The pain subsided after day 1, but the diarrhea has persisted for about 8 days. I've been working in the sun and drinking as much liquid as possible (careful about food but had to eat some locally as we were in remote locations at times, and only drinking bottled water). 32 hours or so ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with severe bowel pain and tenderness. I threw up once. The local doctor arrived and gave me a narcotic for the pain, called an ambulance and I was taken to a local clinic where I was given IV fluids due to dehydration and started on Cipro. An X-ray was taken and the local doctor does not believe I have a blockage. My guts are very sore. I'm passing liquid stool and able to drink and have been in touch with a GI on call from the practice I use in NY. I missed my flight home and my new one is 5p tonight, in about 6hrs. My GI wants me back stateside, and I think this is best given the very limited medical care here. I'm going to try to get another round of IV fluids from the clinic before my flight. I have taken 3 doses of 1000mg Cipro but so far no relief. I'm still able to keep down liquids but they run through me.
Any advice here on navigating developing countries in this condition and getting on flights? Anyone experience similar symptoms? Could this be twisted bowel? An infection in my small intestine from food poisoning? Partial blockage? Pouchitis?
I'll hopefully be back in the States soon and get checked out but would love additional guidance in the meantime from anyone who has experienced something similar.