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Hi all, not sure whether to post here or under"ostomy and skin" since I have an ostomy. My post refers to migraine and I had them when I had my jpouch but they are worse and nightly now with my ostomy. Does anyone else have them and would you mind sharing how you manage them? I'm using my abortive meds every night now and sometimes they don't even work. I'm hydrating like crazy, having my neck adjusted by a chiro, taking melatonin and turmeric (for seratonin enhancement), and practicing yoga and meditation. I know that we lost a lot more than just part of our digestive tracts when we lost our colons and I'm wondering whether or not this plays into the migraine. My decision to have a permanent ileo was largely affected by needing to reduce some of my pain and it did but the migraines persist. I've spoken to some of you privately about this but figured I'd see if there are more of us out there who can share. I'm also reluctant to post on a migraine forum because the loss of my colon makes me "Huh?!" on there! TIA, and I will now go back to smashing a hot washcloth into my eyesockets.......

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Hi Lambiepie, 

So sorry that you are not getting any relief...

Have you been tested for blood sugar? Micro-nutrient defficiencies? Magnisium, potassium, or any other trace minerals.

I figure that if they cannot find out what it is then maybe it is something that 'isn't'...

Either isn't enough of, isn't there any more or isn't stable.

Have you had full pannels done of everything? What other enzymes could do this? What could be missing? 

Finally  have you tried a fast? Just juices, teas and warm liquids for 24hrs to see if it gives you any relief?

Just some random thoughts.


Thanks for the reply, Sharon. Yep, been tested and all looks good except magnesium and I am now supplementing. Something about sleeping for me because I can wake from a nap with a migraine, too. Blood pressure shift? I tried finishing eating earlier at night so my blood sugar doesn't drop, but I have not done a fast; I'm leery because fasting is a trigger for me  I like my neuro but I wish she was a little more of an outside the box thinker. Thank you for your food for thought (see? It always comes back to food for me!.)

Don't underestimate stress. You may think you are coping perfectly, but we are all wired differently regarding how we handle stress. My husband was dealing with migraines that he had just resigned himself to. Then he retired and within a few months he noticed he wasn't having as many headaches and the migaine type were quite rare. 

You may have multiple triggers (many migraine sufferers do). My husband is sensitive to some wines and drops in air pressure. So every time there is a low pressure system coming in, he starts to get a headache. Taking an antihistamine helps head off both the wine and weather related ones, if he takes it early. This was all trial and error for him, and doctors weren't much help, other than to rule out brain tumor or some other serious thing.


Thanks, Jan. I've always felt things very deeply and have a history of anxiety even though I appear cool as a cucumber on the outside. I actually deal with stress much better now than I ever did but there's always room for improvement.....

Scott, I've wondered this myself, but my chiro does either help or doesn't make things worse. I've gone weeks without seeing her and felt about the same as when I do. There's just no consistency. The same with supplements. Melatonin worked well for awhile, then didn't. Thank all for your feedback. All good advice and words to consider.

 My husband was totally shocked to learn that stress and anxiety became issues for him. As an attorney he prided himself on his calm demeanor. After 20+ of litigation and management, he developed panic attacks out of the blue. He could not understand them, since he was not "feeling" anxious when these attacks would occur (sometimes in the middle of the night). 

Then he finally figured that we could retire, and no more Xanax and nearly nonexistant headaches. It was like a miracle.

So, whatever you can do to simplify your life and reduce stress, do it!


I have dealt with this since j pouch surgery. 

What has helped is along with chiropractor, cold laser therapy and Accupunture. 

When I feel the slightest bit of headache I put my feet in hot water and a cold pack on my head. 

My daughters mother in law swears by Botox. 

I would get them a few times a month, lasting 3 days. 

I can't imagine every day. 

My neuro told me that after menopause when your hormones are different you can be one of the lucky ones that get them but that they will go away after you hit 60. Mine have gotten better this year I'm 62. 

Hi, I just want to add that taking naps triggers migraines in me. I need to be on a regular sleep schedule with not too much or too little sleep and no napping. When I get a migraine, I take a 5 mg. compazine tablet  and some Pepto Bismol. This combination works better for me than the Zomig prescribed by my doctor. I think the compazine works to relax the blood vessels/nerves and the Pepto Bismol has a substance that's also in aspirin. What ever you do, don't take NSAIDS. I made that mistake and they really irritated the heck out of my pouch.


Last edited by roseviolet

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