I had jpouch completion (takedown) on 11/9/15 and have been having some recent coplications including a Bartholin cyst and a suspected RV fistula. My Cleveland Clinic surgeon (Ashburn) is sending orders for me to have a gastrografin enema done at a local hospital prior to my teleconference with the surgeon on 12/30. I have not had the procedure here before and don't expect the radiology staff to be familiar with j-pouches. What prep should I do for this procedure? Last time I had this was at CC when I still had the loop ileo prior to takedown, so there was no prep at all. Now I do not have an ileo, just the working j-pouch. I'll ask the radiology staff about this as well but I assume they'll tell me to do the standard prep for folks with colons, and I don't have one. Would hate to end up dehydrated or worse off bc of doing unnecessary bowel prep.
Oh, and let me say I can't wait for the prying questions ar Xmas from extended family about my butt problems. I should just say, "Google 'rectovaginal fistula' and 'Bartholin cyst'" and walk away.