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IC pain is so frustrating. I've been battling a stubborn UTI infection for the past two years. It seems like two weeks after finishing a round of antibiotics, I end up with another infection. Do you struggle with repeated infections as well?

Instillations can be helpful. I asked my urologist for a kit so I could do my own at home. An instillation does take the edge off of a bad flare-up for a short period of time. I also have been having botox injections for the past three years. The only negative--is I have to self-catheter because botox literally makes me unable to urinate on my own.  

I've looked into an Interstim for my IC, but my urologist is hesitant to implant in me because once you have the implant, you can't have an MRI.  I've been using a heating pad for years now too. It does help with pain.  

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