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Lomotil contains a small amount of atropine, which is (suprisingly) included to make you feel crappy, when taken in larger doses. The purpose is to prevent abuse of the diphenoxylate. In any case, one tablet shouldn't generally make you feel that way, unless you're a bit dehydrated. The atropine is peed out with a pretty shorth half life (2.5 hours).

I've generally only experienced side effects like that when taking two tablets, and never after a full might's sleep.

I never could take it - headaches, etc. - I'm small and thin - so maybe that is why.  But, my Dad - who is a big, tall guy couldn't take it either - same thing - headaches.  So, maybe it's just an individual thing.  I think your idea of trying smaller amount is good - and then if that still bugs you, forget it and try other things.  Always lots of liquid with the pouch.  And electrolytes need replacing - especially as I've gotten older.  I have to be more mindful about remaining very hydrated.  Always a balancing act

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