Hi Alleykat, thanks for your reply, I can see you've had a rough time of it too. I hope things work out for you. I've really decided to get rid of the Jpouch, due to the constant pain in the rectal area. I've had this for at least the last 5 years and also I'm sick of spending most of my day in the loo, 20 times +. The constant embarrassment of looking for the toilets, whether it be in shopping centres, visiting friends, family etc. and on a recent cruise around Australia being mostly stuck on the ship unable to go on many tours as toilet facilities were unreliable.
The Jpouch has been great, specially when my kids were small, and for many years I even forgot I had it. Unfortunately this ended after my new specialist recommended PTQ Inserts into the anal sphincter muscle to gain better control, my old specialist who was retiring was dead set against it and how I wish I'd listened to him, as since then I have had constant pain in the rectal area, due to the implants rejecting, breaking up and migrating to other areas. On consulting yet another specialist I was informed they were put in the wrong place. Yes I considered suing but in the end I just want a pain free life. Many pieces have been removed, but they cause a tremendous amount of pain and bleeding. One surgeon told me he saw the exit hole of one piece thru the skin. I feel the only way to get rid of the rectal area pain once and for all is to have the whole lot removed, anyway I see the specialist mid December for a final decision.
Hi Billy, thanks for googling the surgeon in Melbourne, that quite a way from me, about 1500 kms! I have really decided to revert back to the illeo, not a great outcome but can't see really any other choice atm. I'm glad it worked out for you tho!! The BCIR sounds like a really good option!!
I do feel that if I hadn't had the implants(in above reply)I wouldn't now be in this position but its too late to whinge on about it and just have to do the next course of action. This reversal has been talked about for years as really my specialist doesn't want to do it, but on one of my latest scopes he said the valve was slipping and I had bleeding ulcers in the pouch so now he has actually recommended it but left the final decision to me really.
Anyway I'll find out in two weeks and will keep you posted, Thanks for your replies,