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Hi guys (I'm not sure if I've posted this somewhere else on the site to but my phone went flat when I pressed post a few minutes ago)

Anyway... I had my takedown 4 weeks ago, since then I've had problems with urgency, and a big problem with a feeling of pressure on the anus that just won't go, and the feeling of needing to empty more but nothing comes out, which leads to straining involuntarily, also I'm kind of having to manually pull apart the anis slightly to empty the pouch as it just doesn't feel empty, I've had a little bit of blood on the tissue but nothing much, but my issue is since yesterday that nleeding has increased a lot! It's on the tissue and in the toilet bowl and its bright red, I'm really really worried is this normal, what could it be? I've got a dull pain vey low down on the abdomen, sometimes on the right side and sometimes on the left, I'm just so scared that they've missed something and it could be Chrons now? Or can pouchitis or cuffitis cause the blood and these symptoms and what else could it be?

Any help or advice would be so so helpful
Sally xxx
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One possibility is that you may have given yourself hemorrhoids with the straining. You're still figuring out the sensations down there, but it sounds like you're getting plenty of signals that *don't* mean it's time to empty your pouch, but you're going anyway. It's important to be gentle on your body and experiment with waiting longer, even though your new body part may object, and it's possible you may misjudge in the beginning.

Thanks Scott, can there be quite a bit of bleeding with hemeroids? And also do you get the pressure feeling with it? at the moment it constantly feels like the pressure build up down there is going to drive me mad, it's always the same day and night, and whenever my eyes open at night I fee like I have to go straight away, is this all normal?

Sally xxxxx

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