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Hey guys. After my jpouch complete redo, I am back to work a few hours a day. My surgery was exactly 30 days ago.I spent 9 days in hospital. Not alot of pain but exhaustion is horrible. I had alot of adhesions removed from previous surgeries, and lost a lot of blood and also had a mucousectomy. I am still having alot of uncontrolled mucous coming out but it has decreased some. I just worry after I am hooked back up, I will have same issue with stool.???So after being off work for 4 weeks, I am back part time for the next few weeks. Trying my hardest to take it easy. I have my barium xray next Wednesday to check the pouch and make sure there are no issues or leaks. I am scared to death for this test. I am sure it is due to all the leak and issues i had with my first pouch. I had Remzi at Cleveland Clinic do my current redo and he would be the only doctor I would let redo this. I have complete confidence in his work, I just dont know if I trust my body to be honest. Praying hard for the next week.

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Hi Marx, 


Sorry you have had a difficult time lately. Surgery is never fun and I'm sure spending 9 days in the hospital was hard. Also, I'm sure going back to work was hard, but it's good that you are able to ease back into it part-time. Take it easy and try to relax as much as you can. Hopefully, your barium xray goes ok and you get good news.


Take care!  

Yikes!  But I am optimistic for you!  I should note, after an "RR" (Remzi Redo) I had four solid days of business meetings early morning to late night out of town -- breakfasts, meetings, floor shows, late dinners and a few glasses of wine -- and all I can say is I'm not sure how I could be better.  I have to remind myself, I think I had my takedown after redo at the end of August -- so I'm three months out.  


I am hoping even better for you, Poucho.  Think positive, healing and happy thoughts!

myOriginally Posted by aka KNKLHEAD:

Yikes!  But I am optimistic for you!  I should note, after an "RR" (Remzi Redo) I had four solid days of business meetings early morning to late night out of town -- breakfasts, meetings, floor shows, late dinners and a few glasses of wine -- and all I can say is I'm not sure how I could be better.  I have to remind myself, I think I had my takedown after redo at the end of August -- so I'm three months out.  


I am hoping even better for you, Poucho.  Think positive, healing and happy thoughts!

my champ!!!  lol

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