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Hello Everyone,
I suffered another bowel obstruction. I am told it is a partial obstruction. I have been told by the surgeon who took care of me in hospital that if it happens again I will need surgery.   Isn't surgery only necessary in an emergency situation. I have suffered so many obstructions and I have only had one incident that almost killed me. I was very lucky that my surgeon got to me on time. 
My question is has anyone ever been told by a doctor to say home for weeks to recuperate from an obstruction.   I have never been off work for this length of time to heal from an obstruction that did not rquire surgery.
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Hi Maddie,


I've been in your boat.  In a nutshell, if an obstruction resolves itself within a few days (hospital, fluids, pain meds, etc.), there is no need for emergent surgery.  If it doesn't resolve on it's own, then there really is no other option.  To your question, when is it time for surgery?  Well, that's really up to you with some guidance from your surgeon.  I had 5 obstructions due to adhesions in less than 2 years with hospital stays as short as 1 night up to a full week.  When the 6th one happened, things were not improving at all after a week, so we went forward with surgery.  


The advice from the surgeon that I had at the time was that we should have done it after the first 3 or so to avoid the really serious one that required the emergency surgery.  Honestly, if I had to do it over, I don't think I would have done it sooner as the others were manageable and it kept me out of the OR longer.  Who wants surgery after all the surgery we've had, right?  Who knows though...having surgery when you are healthy and strong is also a heck of a lot easier!  You can tolerate everything better, you're back on your feet sooner, and you can actually PLAN to be out of work and plan for the life event.


And lastly, to your question about how long to be home to recuperate...I've run the full spectrum.  I've had a couple instances where I went into the hospital on Friday and was back to work feeling good by Tuesday.  I've also had some that have had major lingering effects where I was functional, but things were just "off" for weeks.  In those cases, the adhesions were probably still there causing some partial obstruction issues, but not causing enough issues where you can't eat and drink.


Not sure if any of that information helped you, but that was my story.  I had surgery in March of 2015 and haven't had any issues since.  6 months obstruction free has been pretty nice!

Oh my goodness, that is a LOT of surgery!!  Wow, no, I have not endured that much.  I had laparoscopic J-pouch surgery (2 step) in 2010.  Then I had laporascopic surgery in March 2015 to remove some adhesions.  Because they did it that way, they missed a couple adhesions very low right by my pouch, and I ended up back in surgery a week later.  They had to open me up that time.


As for diet and everything else, I'm back to normal.  I was in the hospital for a month in March due to the surgical complications and bowels very slow to wake up so recovery took a loooooong time (months til i felt good again).  Still battling chronic pouchitis, which is its own bag of problems.

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