Hi everyone.
Does anyone else have this problem because, after years of suffering, St Marks Hospital still cannot give me answer.
I had a pelvic pouch formed in 1998 after UC. I also suffer from eczema/hayfever.
The pouch has never been very good and I call it a bully as it rules my life. I cannot hold on any more than about 5 or 10 minutes and I depend on pads etc.
One of the main things that cause me grief is the painful, oozy swelling I get in the anal canal, usually at night, usually for a few hours in every 24. Seems to cause a degree of narrowing and partial blockage without actually blocking completely. When this happens it leads to frequency, urgency, leakage and interrupted sleep for several hours. When the swelling eventually dies down it returns to my sort of normal and the pain, soreness and oozing stops.
Until sometime in the next 24 hours.
Ciprofloxacin helps alot and enables me to take holidays and have some sort of normal life but doctor not keen for me to be permanently on this. Proctosedyl ointment , codeine, paracetamol and loperamide also help to some extent. So do water flushes sometimes and/or catheters. Prednisolone enemas/suppositories have not helped.
I eat very small amounts to keep residue as low as possible but worry about malnutrition.
Hospital says tests are negative to chronic pouchitis.
Am I the only pouchee to have this strange problem?
Anyone any ideas?
Thank you