i have heard of the pill cam being done for us FAP patients to look around beyond where an endoscope and sigmoidoscope can see.
i have not had a capsule pill endoscopy study. my dr mentioned it but i didnt hear anything about getting an insurance approval or denial for it.
that said, i do get yearly surviellence done. upper g,i (gastroscopies and flex sigs done) as told. My pouch will be 14 years old on Oct 15th 2001.
I also have plenty of adenomatous polyps in the j-pouch itself. Im hoping to get the OK to go on celebrex as this drug shrinks exiting polyps and prevents new ones from growing as long as you are taking it.
i hope to get a yes or no answer on the celebrex following my upcomming scopes upcomming on Oct. 6th. 2015.
Good Luck.