What is the healing like after polypectomy in the IPAA? Can patient sit? What about seepage? Burning? Need for pads? How soon can patient tolerate commercial air travel? ..... Seeking dialog with other patients contending with FAP + intra-abdominal desmoid tumor issues. Desmoid tumors (non-cancerous masses) occur in apx. 10% of FAP patients. My family member has a 20-month old J-Pouch and is age 23. Polyps have already developed near the Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis (IPAA). Polypectomy is scheduled for Oct. 2015 at Cleveland Clinic. The desmoid tumors have not responded well to chemotherapy Vinblastine - Methotrexate. Our collective "miracle cure" would be gene-replacement therapy. KEEP PRAYING!! Until that time, we hope to share tips, resources and info. May the Force Be with YOU!