Any product out there or ideas to "stem the tide" of stool incontinence either during the day or at night. I have to wear diapers all the time, reinforced with several paper towels, and still many times it does not do the job.
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Lionel, you might have pouchitis, but you haven't given us enough to go on. In addition to time since takedown, can you tell us what you've tried?
Hi Scott...don't know what "take down" is but I presume it is when I had the J-pouch inserted. I have had many tests for c-diff...all negative. Also had pouchitis tests but that didn't pan out either. I have tried many things like Lomotil, Tylenol, also Calmoseptine, Preparation-H, Vaseline, etc etc but nothing has worked. Never heard of Hyomax...but am willing to try anything. Have also tried Chinese herbal meds like mainly enzyme stuff. All the things that supposedly cause constipation never seem to work for me...Lionel.
Hi...I forget to mention it has been about 10 years or more since I had the J-Pouch inserted. .My main discomfort other than the incontinence problem is butt burning from eating or drinking foods that have a high content of acid or spices, like fruit juices or curries etc. It seems that some of the stuff "leaks" and that causes major butt burning in the anal area.....Lionel
Have you been in touch with any major hospitals? Everything turned around for me once I left Grand Rapid, MI (my home town) and got a referral to the Cleveland Clinic. Even before that I was at the University of Chicago but they did nothing like what Cleveland did. The staff places such as Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, etc have are second to none. It was well worth the drive, flight, time off of work, $ and hassle. I highly recommend you talk to your GI about getting into a hospital that specializes in j-pouches
I should mention that I have had some success in using COMFORTS BABY WIPES. I put one between my "cheeks" before I go for a walk and it seems to help the stool incontinence a lot. I know this may sound gross but this is one of the very few things that have given me some comfort while exercising, or working out.
There's no perfect test for pouchitis. I would try a course of Cipro to see if it helps.