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Last c-section I ended up with an NG tube. This time trying to avoid that!! Had c-section on Thursday and here I am at the hospital waiting for them to wake up!! Any tricks?!? They need me to pass gas ASAP! I've been doing a lot of walking. They are avoiding any narcotics for pain - I'm still on an IV and straight liquid diet.

I want to get my bowel moving so I can say bye to this maternity floor and bring my twin girls home!!!

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Only two things you can really do.  Walk, walk, walk and avoid the narcotics.  Sounds like you are doing both.  Stick to Tylenol and Ibuprofen only.  They will wake up soon...I promise!  Took mine 12 days to wake up after's not fun.  Sucking on hard candy can help stimulate the bowels as well.

I had the same experience.... after 1st C-section almost had an NG tube (lots of writhing in pain, but bargaining with the doctor to give me more time). After the 2nd, I had the same shut down, but I demanded no catheter and to be taken off the epidural ASAP so I could walk around and I told them to put me on nothing by mouth until I started passing. Uncomfortable, but I avoided the worst of things. 

Hi all,

My wife just had a c section with our first child. She has a j pouch from 2010.  The baby is doing great but my wife is not. 24-30 hours after the c section, she started having extreme pain in her stomach and her stomach was very swollen. After CT scans and x-rays, they thought she may have a blockage but haven’t said definitely.  After getting a tube 36 hours post c section, she improved for the next 6 hours but then got worse around 42 hours post c section, with severe abdominal pain and swelling (although not as bad as before she got the tube).

It sounds like some others have had similar issues after a c section.  Any advice on how to get things working again more quickly or if there are any other issues this may be, other than a blockage / partial blockage that should alleviate with the tube down her throat?

Im very worried. 

Thanks for any advice.


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