Hi all,
My wife just had a c section with our first child. She has a j pouch from 2010. The baby is doing great but my wife is not. 24-30 hours after the c section, she started having extreme pain in her stomach and her stomach was very swollen. After CT scans and x-rays, they thought she may have a blockage but haven’t said definitely. After getting a tube 36 hours post c section, she improved for the next 6 hours but then got worse around 42 hours post c section, with severe abdominal pain and swelling (although not as bad as before she got the tube).
It sounds like some others have had similar issues after a c section. Any advice on how to get things working again more quickly or if there are any other issues this may be, other than a blockage / partial blockage that should alleviate with the tube down her throat?
Im very worried.
Thanks for any advice.