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Hey everyone!  I'm new here.  I'm expected to have an iliostomy and the takedown 4-6 weeks after within the next year.  I've been trying to prepare myself by gathering as much information via diet, dehydration, supplements---just what to expect in general.
I haven't been able though to have this question answered--so I thought I'd just ask!
After you no longer have your colon--has anyone experienced extra dry skin?  Has it aged you at all??
I ask because I work in the cosmetics industry and skincare is always on my mind.  I'm just wondering if the lack of hydration puts s toll in the beauty department.
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Generally speaking "after" pouch I do tend to get a bit drier, but it's worse in the winter.  I also developed mild eczema and dry eyes over the years, too. I tend to think I'm overall a drier person than some. I use a mild Cetaphil face cream and use Dove soap, and sticking to that helps things. Aveeno lavender cream is my favorite body cream, and lasts pretty much all day.

I have always had oily  driness would have been a bit of a blessing...I only dry out when actually dehydrated or very ill.

I do take a hair-skin-nail supplement formula that helps a bit to retain some elastisity but since menopause all bets are off.

You can use a serum + cream regime on your skin to keep it soft and supple but good nutrition and hydration are really your best friends. I exfoliate weekly then use serum.

Recently a girlfriend who is my age and healthy as a horse (!) came to stay with me for 2 weeks...she works in the cosmetic industry and has always taken exceptional care of her face, body and skin...I kind of have a hit & miss skincare routine...use whatever is around until I have used it up then buy something else on sale.

I looked, really looked at her face and body and noticed that other than the scarlessness of her whole body that we were not that different...she does not look 10 yrs younger than me of have that much more fantastic skin...granted, she looks great all the time and I usually look like I fell out of a tree but other than that I see no major difference.


One thing I noticed (but this was 15 years post pouch surgery), is that losing a lot of weight caused a lot of facial wrinkles to appear. I guess losing signifigant fat definitely can make the face appear more aged and dry. But, in reality, it is just the loss of the fat and the skin was already old with some loss of elasticity.



Definitely drier  - aging, along with no colon - not a great combination in my situation!  Not just my face, but my hands, feet, legs...   I've taken to mixing my own concoctions and have found coconut oil to be especially  good in dealing with the dry feet situation, as well as nice everywhere else. 

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