Still doing pretty well after takedown, going to the bathroom about 8 times a day -- once at night. No urgency and stool is firming up a bit without taking imodium yet. (I'm going to try some here in a few days -- as well as recommended Metamucil cookies)
Last night I had a very itchy butt, and I think it was hemorrhoids, which I've gotten under control. I can honestly tell you that just having cotton underwear on seems to help the hemorrhoid issue -- anyone else feel as though having a pad or "depends" might "suck out" hemorrhoids? Since I went back to try just regular cotton underwear it seems as though things are better! Just a bit of spotting from time to time.
Now, having said that, last night I had a bout of itchiness that woke me up and kept me awake. Does anyone know why and what I might do about it?
Lastly, I've tried to also stay away from all creams and just keep everything clean with a bidet and pat-drying. I'm opting for the natural route!