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I had my colon removed 3/17/15.  I'm due for the 2nd surgery 8/18/15 & cant wait to get this ordeal moving along towards the finish line.
Anyway, I'm going bald!!!  I'm loosing hair by the handfuls.  I have thin hair anyway so I really can't afford to lose any.  I take Biotin, 2 twice a day.  I read up on Nioxin but it isn't viable as it is expensive and really doesn't work well.
Does anyone have any suggestions??  I really do NOT want to be balding!!!  HELP!!!!
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Have your Dr checked your ferritin levels.If your Tsh is altered yes you will have hair loss.It will take many months for new hair to grow in place once the imbalance is corrected.
I had great hair loss after my second surgery, plus my Tsh was  off completely..Today my Hair is back ,I still have some hair lost at times cause my TSh likes to play yoyo with me lately.If your TSh is off it takes a long time to come back remember it works like as a accumulative  effect in the body.The replacement you take today works slowly.Haste makes waste when it comes to the thyroid.Go slow 


If you are taking iron supplements Note it can alter the TSh so make sure you take it  at least 4 or more hours away from the thyroid replacement.Otherwise it will alter  the TSH.


Ditto with everything that everyone else said....after each surgery I look like a plucked chicken for about 6 months...the biggest loss is the 1st week post op when it falls out in clumps (anesthetic) then it slows a bit until everyone can see my scalp.

I cut it shorter and wait a bit but the only real help that I have found other than vitamins and good nutrition (and sufficient protein in your diet) is massaging my scalp for 5 mins every time that I wash it (around 2xs/week) and using H&S..for some reason it helps the regrowth.


Love the input.  My hair was much thinner after the last surgery and the "male pattern baldspot" was getting quite a bit larger.  I have been taking Kirkland (Amazon) Minoxidil 5% (sp?) -- twice a day at first, now once a day and it seems to be helping, I am growing hair where there was scalp.


I might try Nexus VitaTress Bioton Shampoo, too!


I lost most of my hair by age 35 and I have been cleanshaving my head for a long time now.  I have been told I have a good head for a clean shave (it's geometrically proportional), so I don't mind it any more.  It also saves money on barbers and shampoo and other hair maintainance costs- which can be extensive and ridiculous.  I can use the savings to pay for all of my many pouchitis meds.


For a woman it's a different issue, I suppose, unless you are a Sinead O'Connor fan.  These days Sinead seems to be going with the Marine stubble look. In my case stubble is no good because my hair is still dark brown creating a shadow on my head if allowed to grow more than a day or two.  It's not a good pattern on my head, so it has to be shaved.


During my recent cancer treatment I made multiple trips to a cancer hospital and saw many bald women there.  I assumed that their hair loss was due to their cancer treatment.

Last edited by CTBarrister

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