thank you both! i will talk to the pharmacist at cvs or somewhere local to me, perhaps even my own private one locally.
thanks, not sure why as per google that the measurement came out to 1 tablesoon being the 15ml and a smiggen of a second tablespoon. that was not very trusty then.
i was reading online that some drs ordered their patients before a colonoscopy 2-4 tablespoons of milk of mag. so 3 isnt that far off for us no-coloned/pouched ppl.
i will, in addition, make sure the measuring cup is attached. and as matter of preference i thought id ask can we do the concentrated version? which is this strawberry stuff? or it wont matter taste wise the regular/original isnt terrible? nothing like miralax mixed with gatorade= plastic right? LOL.
thanks again for re-assurance, jan & rachel!! 