Anyone successfully clean out their stomach and j-pouch for a sigmoidoscopy involving stomach, duodenum/jejenum/pouch lining etc scope/view?
Veteran poucher here (2001, jpouch constructed, 1-step procedure)
how much milk of magnesia is more than adequate enough to be safe for a full bowel cleanse protocol, how much is enough to take the evening before the procedure? I will do a full liquid diet 1 day prior to the exam
my dr just okayed the milk of magnesia when i asked him in e-mail. The scope is for Mid/second part of October 2015. Obviousily, ive never experimented with milk of magnesia or i would not be asking this question if i knew how much is required to be enough to take for people like us, jpouch in tow etc.
i thought the milk of mag. is more palatable/tolerable than the other junk like miralax and some of the other preps, easier than mag citrate as well (unless you can mix the citrate to cheat a bit with another liquid that wont stain the intestine red or whatever so dr can get a good view).
thanks for any/all replies in advance. I will be watching this thread for responses.