I had c diff 7 years ago after takedown, i have really not been on any antibiotics since except for flagyl, cipro, and tindamax...with no issues. I am having a gum grafting procedure in 2 weeks and the periodontist wants to put me on a week of Amoxocillin 500mg.after the procedure which is standard. I asked Remzi's nurse and they said if I do get it again will deal with it, and i asked Shen and he stated they dont really use antibiotics for gum procedures anymore?? Everywhere I have read, this procedure requires an antibiotic afterwards due to all the bacterias in the mouth. Is there maybe an antibiotic that would not be as bad as Amoxocillin? Or should I just take the Amoxocillin along with a probiotic as long as I am on it?? HELP
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I would take the amoxacillin as prescribed, since you have been C. diff free for so long. If you are worried, take probiotics, but I would focus on something that is known to target and supress C. diff, like S. boulardii.
Thanks friends...Will any brand do? I'm looking on Amazon now. If the antibiotic is for 7 days, will a 15 pack of S.Boullardii be enough? it says take 2 a day correct?or do i need to take them prior to and after for a period of time of taking the antibiotic?
Gee, probiotics take time to colonize, so you need to take them for at least a month. Otherwise, not much point in it. Probiotics are more of a long term maintenance thing, and you would definitely need to take them much longer than the antibiotic.
i just want to take them during the antibiotic time frame due to past c diff issue. So maybe a week prior and keep taking for a few weeks after the course of Amoxicilin is over? or is taking them only a week prior pointless?
Any amount of time you take them is helpful, but more is better. Since S. boulardii is a yeast, it is not affected by the antibiotics. So, it is definitely good to take with them.