A few months ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's along with having a jpouch. I have been having remicade infusions for the past few months and so far no relief. It seems that I have the pains when I'm very stressed, and I have been very stressed for quite a while now. Just writing this is making my stomach grumble, and that's part of the problem but I don't think it has anything to do with the Crohn's.
I took myself off of Librax for IPS a few weeks ago because I felt that perhaps I didn't need it any more. I had such a bad few days that I put myself back on it yesterday. Sometimes when I'm really stressed I get these horrendous pains that shoot out of my rectum accompanied by the stomach gurgling that you could hear across the street. For the second time this week the pains were so strong that I lost control and could not make it in time to go to the bathroom and had an accident. This has not happened to me since I had UC before having my surgery. Obviously, the Librax does not seem to be helping, although it's only been two days. I am so depressed by all of this, so add it to my anxiety. I am giving up hope of ever feeling good again and don't know what to do. I have lost my appetite because if I eat, that's when I get the pains. My weight has gone down to a low of 93 lbs.
I am scheduled to go to my GI doc on Friday, but now my sister is going to die, and I'm sure that I won't be able to go....Any suggestions????? Please help.