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Hi, I want to ask the group about how you felt in recovery. I have only been home a few days but for some reason I am feeling like I should have more energy. It was almost 20 years ago that I went through this before and I was very tired and amazingly run down back then but one difference was I was not alone. Any comments are welcome. thanks.


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Hi Will,

Welcome home, 

From what I remember I was exhausted and needed a nap after every effort...a shower, making my bed, walking around the block.

20yrs ago you were 20 yrs younger so it is normal that you should be so tired now...give you body the support that it needs...light protiens like chicken or fish, lots of hydration like diluted juices, low acid foods like apple sauce and bananas.

All will give you energy and low residue for your pouch to heal easily.

Naps are your friend so don't cheap out on them...they help you to heal.

Congratulations on your new surgery...I hope that it lasts a lifetime.



Originally Posted by skn69:

Hi Will,

Welcome home, 

From what I remember I was exhausted and needed a nap after every effort...a shower, making my bed, walking around the block.

20yrs ago you were 20 yrs younger so it is normal that you should be so tired now...give you body the support that it needs...light protiens like chicken or fish, lots of hydration like diluted juices, low acid foods like apple sauce and bananas.

All will give you energy and low residue for your pouch to heal easily.

Naps are your friend so don't cheap out on them...they help you to heal.

Congratulations on your new surgery...I hope that it lasts a lifetime.



Dear Sharon,


Thank you for your response. I think deep down inside I know this but there is also many things that seem to try and push their way into my mind and take priority. I think I mentioned on another thread but my Mother passed away just this January and there is much going on with the estate and the rivalry of siblings. I have put it away but some of these things still require my attention even though I have a good Attorney. But this to will pass. After I posted this thread there was a point where I seemed to feel a more solid footing. I am hoping it carries through. Sometimes even though we have experienced things we can forget some of the intensities that we have endured in the past. I have found one thing out though, and that is there are few people that relate unless they have experienced major abdominal surgery. Of course with the  BCIR it is more than just abdominal surgery and even though I have had the one about 20 years ago and the initial brooke ileostomy some 30 years back, this is still a new change for my body. I feel very confident and am very positive that as I get stronger this is going to be a very major change for the better. I believe that I slowly had become "used to" dealing with a faulty pouch and valve to the point to where I had no choice other than fight to have my surgery approved (which was a task in itself) or just give up. I am glad I was proactive and even though I might have stepped on a few toes I did what was needed to live. thanks again and I also want to say how grateful I am that this group exists.


Originally Posted by Rosie128:

Prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery. Just listen to your body, everyone heals on their own time, and I agree with Sharon, as we get older the bounce back time is a little greater. Wishing you and your new pouch the best! Keep us posted!

Dear Rosie,

Thank You for the well wishes and though it is slow I am making progress.  One of my largest challenges is that I am very isolated and have little family left and friends (local) are a commodity that is rare. I do however have a couple that have just been very much a blessing in that they have helped me even though they are not so close in proximity. My incision around the belly button and that muscle seems to be one of the more painful places but I will ask the Doctor about that tomorrow in my first follow-up appointment. If anyone else happens to remember that area being a bit more sore I would love to hear your feedback. Thanks All.

Last edited by WillLive4ever

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