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I have had my j-pouch for 16 years and have had pouchitis for the same amount of time, although I've only just diagnosed it. If you, like me, can't pass wind unless you lie down or sit reclined with your legs up, you have pain in the backside, mainly around the anus, and running down your legs, you feel like you could go to the toilet all the time, your bottom and stomach cramp up when you really need to go and then it all gurgles and goes away for 5 minutes until the next bout - repeat until you finally seek the solace of the Devine toilet. Yes, yep and yer you have pouchitis!! 

I've had all the tests done and they all come back that everything looks fine. However, they do say that it is slightly inflamed or slightly this or that but nothing obvious. It is blooming obvious to me however! When you wake up after 2 hrs sleep and need the toilet and then can't get back to sleep because you are waiting for the meds to kick in.

Diet is a big factor, if you don't believe me eat a nice big pizza or tomatoe based pasta dish with lots of preservatives and then see what happens!

Currently, I am playing around with meds and diet. Best results seem to be psyllium husk and loperamide 1/2 hr before eating. Then fresh food, meat and two veg. Washed down with some pepto bismal. 

 This is a brilliant site and I will be donating some money shortly to keep it going as it is the only site I've found where people know what they are talking about! On that topic here's what I've found so far (copied from my note pad):


Metamucil - fibre - now on psyllium husk
Simethicone - reduces the amount you need to pass wind
Mesalazine - flare up med
Nexium - proton pump inhibitor
Ciproflaxin and metronidazole are awesome antibiotics that are great at getting rid of pouchitis but only work when you are on them. Therefore, I'm now considering going back to my doctor and telling her to put me on a maintenance dose.
codeine phosphate - slows it all down and reduces pain (I live in the UK and can have codeine prescribed)
Hot water bottle - eases some of the pain temporarily whilst you wait for pain meds
Lots of Exercise, running or cycling, especially when flare ups occur, can exacerbate the problem.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen control pain but ibuprofen irritates so take sparingly.  
Nutrionalist - fodmap, sibo and paleo diet. Play around with and see what works.I've not tried this yet but will do soon.
Dont eat cheese, nearly all Italian food (pizza, pasta), any bread but white, fried food, burgers, processed chicken, minced beef, Mexican - basically any food from fast food chains.
Flushable WET WIPES are a gift from the gods. Wipe three times max with toilet tissue and then use a wet wipe. Take them with you in a zip lock bag when out and about.
timodine cream - hydrocortisone cream for sore bottom
Lastly, doctors and specialists really don't seem to know much about pouchitis so you have to deal with it yourself and tell them your requirements. 



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