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I spent Mother's Day in the ER getting fluids, the result of my fifth straight day of extremely watery diarrhea. I tried to hold out, thinking each day it would have stopped, but no such luck. This morning, I had 6-8 bowel movements before 8 a.m. and was feeling like I was going to pass out.

They tested me for C.Diff, as I have a history (pre-colectomy), and it was negative -- though I know false negatives are common with C. Diff. I don't really think it is C.Diff, but I also don't know what it going on. The doctor wanted to do a CT-scan, which I suspected they would recommend, but I politely refused -- thinking it's likely not to rule anything out or to show what is going on. And because I have had so many over the years, I tried to avoid more radiation this time. Does that seem like a good choice; what do other j-pouchers feel about reliability of CT scans to diagnose/find problems?


They did also find that I have UTI, likely because of all the diarrhea. And I guess I need to call my GI doc tomorrow.

The diarrhea continues, though thankfully the IV fluids have lessened my dizziness and the horrible foot cramps I was getting constantly.


If anyone has insight on what this could be or what direction I should take, I welcome input. I don't think it's viral, because I don't have other symptoms pointing to that. I guess it could be pouchitis...I also have concerns that they are going to find I have Crohn's, because of a few things going on (and the fact my brother has Crohns, and before my colectomy, one doctor did mention being concerned about J-pouch surgery in a patient with a first-degree relative with Crohn's)


Thanks for reading


Take care, Laurie

UC (since 1989); C.Diff (started 2009); colectomy August 2011

takedown, March 2012; incisional hernia, July 2012

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I have never had pouchitis, but I don't have fever or significant pain....some pressure and low-grade pain at time. The other thing is that the output is, at times, significantly green, and not like I have eaten a salad or some other green food....because I haven't. It's a noticeable odd shade of green.

I did get an appt. with my GI doc for this afternoon.


Thanks you

I have been experiencing the same watery.....very watery......diarrhea you have.  Saw my surgeon who ordered a pouchoscopy.  I had it yesterday.  He took several biopsies and so I'm waiting to see if it reveals anything.  My symptoms are not those of pouchitis.  He did see mild inflammation during the scope but that shouldn't be causing such drastic changes.  A couple of weeks ago he did tell me to add Citrucel to my daily regimen.  It seems to make a slight difference.  My J-pouch is over 10 years old and has been well behaved!  I'm hoping this is a passing episode!

Thank you for the replies. I  tested negative for C.Diff. in ER, though only one sample is usually not reliable for that. GI doc yesterday not sure what's going on, and has ordered some stool tests for various things.


Also, ER had started me on antibiotic Macrobid because they found infection in urine, though that's likely because of the severe diarrhea. Anyway, today has been a bit better, so maybe antibiotic is helping guts, too, and hopefully we are headed in the right direction....

CeeeeCeeee, I hope you feel better and get answers soon.


Last edited by lhh65

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