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Hi everyone.  I have another post about doing so well in Remzi redo 1 of 2, returning home last Monday and clear sailing.  Then Friday night I have pain right under my sternum, very afraid it was a blockage.  It felt like a horse was standing with his hoof in one place and I couldn't get comfortable lying, standing, walking, upside down, sideways, walking, twisting.  I suffered with it from 11:00 until about 4:30 am, then decided to head to the emergency room.


They ran dye through me and it was determined the work Dr. Remzi had done was solid, and there was no blockage:  Enter gall bladder issues. (glad not heart!)


I had been diagnosed with PSC (Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis - sp?) and it was ultimately decided I had a gall stone or sludge.  While I had NO pain and felt fine since Saturday morning, it was until Tuesday afternoon that they were able to do an ESRP (?), endoscopic travels with a catheter to check for potential more stones, etc. in the ducts of my gall bladder and liver.  They didn't find anything, but they did some bit of cutting (not sure what) to open things up a bit, I think.


Well, all the doctors have recommended gall bladder removal, and I think Dr. Remzi's staff is going to hook me up with a 2-for-1 -- GB removal AND takedown all in one fell swoop, hope I can pull it off.  I've been in the hospital now twice for 11 days total and if there's a way to not have to visit there as often, I'm in!


Anyone here had similar attack and/or gall bladder removal?  How does it affect a pouch, etc.?    I have to joke that taking out a colon, small bowel etc., is an easy (maybe not recommended?) way to quickly loose a few pounds .. so I now hunting through my body and what's a gall bladder weigh?    I'm at 180, and at 6'11" and the charts show that I'm into "overweight territory."  Maybe that gall bladder will be just the thing ... 



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My gall bladder went bad before my UC dx and my surgeries. I had it out laparoscopically and it was a smooth recovery. Never missed the little bugger....never seemed to effect the way I ate. Then about three years later the UC symptoms started and then ultimately the j pouch. So I have no comparison with my j pouch and a gall bladder. It's amazing to me we function with half our digestive system missing!  Best of luck with the procedure(s)! 

I am so glad to have run across this post, not glad that you are having GB issues though, of course!

I am 6 yrs post jpouch surgery due to UC. Besides minor things all has been fine. Over the past year I have been having light headed, dizzy spells along with pain on my right side that comes and goes as well as some nausea. Finally my GI is testing for the function of my GB. Today I had a sonogram, if it shows nothing than he wants to do a different test.

Here's my question, if I have to have it removed, will they do it laparoscopically ? I read that if you had abdominal surgery, (I've had 3) there my be too much scar tissue and would have to be done open.

I also fell and will probably need knee surgery! do you think I can get a "two - for" too?

Also, when I had my jpouch done, my surgeon would only do it if I lost a considerable amount of weight. I did loose the weight and when he was about to go in, I asked him to remove my GB as well, (he was removing; my colon, most of the rectum, appendix, uterus and cervix.... what's one more organ!) but he refused. He thought that I wanted it removed for the weight of it! He said that it did not weigh much, so no. I actually wanted it removed because I knew so many people that have issues with it and eventually I figured I would need it removed too. Oh well, I tried!

Originally Posted by Scott F:

A fully distended gall bladder weighs about a quarter pound.

One quarter-pounder!   I won't hit my goal of three pounds weight loss .. I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way!


Yes, from what I understand it's not a big surgery -- keeping my fingers crossed it's easy enough to do with take-down.  Dr. Remzi seems to indicate it's doable, but waiting for the GB specialists to chime in at CC.

I've had GB problems my whole life, even pre-pouch but 3 yrs ago it reached the absolute limit and my surgeon removed it laporoscpically...found a huge stone (over an inch) and a 1 kg GB which was at the point of rupture...I should never have waited that long!

Don't know what it was doing to my pouch beforehand but since then I am much better...The 'heart-attack' feeling in mostly gone...get the occasional pains, sharp or dull and some sub scapular pain but mostly 95% better. 

They kept me 3 nights due to the size of the thing (it was crushing my right lung and nearly collapsed the bottom of it...ended up back in ER for respratory insufficiency a couple days later..things went back to normal on their own).

I was a fool for not having it done sooner but they kept telling me that it could wait and I had other more important things to fix back then.


Well, I just got a call with the results of my sonogram. The Dr said my GB looked fine. I know there is another test to check it's function but the Dr (my GI) said to talk to my PCP about what else could be causing my symptoms. He seems to think that it is not my GB based on the sonogram.

I have chest pain, pinches in my upper right side, light headedness, dizzy spells and nausea. From what I have researched, I still think it is my GB. Should I call my PCP about the functioning test or just wait to see if goes away? What would you do?

Kinkl, I also have PSC and am 8+ years post colectomy. My PSC likely started after the colectomy, since I have read in my doctors notes that an MRI in 2006 showed no problems with the liver. Assuming the films were read right!

That said, I have had issues with PSC, but have not sensed any issues that the PSC has brought to the jpouch.




I have chest pain, pinches in my upper right side, light headedness, dizzy spells and nausea. From what I have researched, I still think it is my GB. Should I call my PCP about the functioning test or just wait to see if goes away? What would you do?

Donna, I'm sorry, I can't advise  you.  I think there is a hydascan (?) test or something to prove your GB is okay, but it really could be lots of stuff.  Example, my wife had pneumonia that caused pain, light-headedness and dizziness, etc.  I think you should go to your doctor and get it checked out further.


Originally Posted by skn69:

I've had GB problems my whole life, even pre-pouch but 3 yrs ago it reached the absolute limit and my surgeon removed it laporoscpically...found a huge stone (over an inch) and a 1 kg GB which was at the point of rupture...I should never have waited that long!

Don't know what it was doing to my pouch beforehand but since then I am much better...The 'heart-attack' feeling in mostly gone...get the occasional pains, sharp or dull and some sub scapular pain but mostly 95% better. 

They kept me 3 nights due to the size of the thing (it was crushing my right lung and nearly collapsed the bottom of it...ended up back in ER for respratory insufficiency a couple days later..things went back to normal on their own).

I was a fool for not having it done sooner but they kept telling me that it could wait and I had other more important things to fix back then.


We don't need to add malfunctioning GB issues to our "regular" stuff.  One problem at a time, please!  Glad  you are a bit better, Sharon.


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