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Hi all.  I've never been one to like really thick ointments when suffering some discomfort or  irritation. Usually have always reached for A&D ointment, it's been my favorite. However, I'm using Burt's Bees Multipurpose Ointment recently, and I'm really digging it. 


burt's bees multipurpose ointment


(link might not be working, but you can Google it, if interested)


It's petroleum free,  uses beeswax among other things, has a very very gentle smell, and is light and more natural. If you have completely terrible irritation, it might not be the one for you (you never know, though), but it's worth a try for those who aren't fans of thick, messy ointments. 

Last edited by rachelraven
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As a matter of interest, Burt's Bees makes the best honey-menthol cough drops I have ever tasted.  Delicious and effective.


For ointments I always look at the the zinc oxide % in the ointment.  Desitin original formula is like 40% and it's like caulk when you put it on.  I prefer a zinc oxide % more like 10% which is a much creamier ointment.  I think A&D makes several different consistencies.  Desitin, due to competition from A&D, was forced to put out some creamier ointments. I have the Desitin creamy 13%, but I have not had to use it in years.

Last edited by CTBarrister

When my daughter was little, we loved the Burt's Bees zinc oxide ointment. It smells so much better than Desitin!  I hate Desitin. 


Also, once she had a bad diaper rash, and Lansinoh lanolin cream for nursing (ie. breast protection) REALLY cleared her up. You can't use it if you're sensitive to lanolin, obviously, but it was amazing. I'd also recommend giving that a shot, if nothing else is working. 

Last edited by rachelraven

Good tip; they've just started carrying Burt's Bees products over here, so I will keep my eyes out for it for sure.


Love their lip balms and foot moisturiser! (LOL, note to self: do NOT mix up application of lip balms or cough lozenges with ointment!  Oh, man. I am way too easily amused.)


Can't get it over here, but I have always sworn by Bag Balm for a variety of uses, inlcuding as a preventative moisture barrier. Good stuff.



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