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Maybe not the answer you were looking for but straight up coke seems to agree with me as well as most kinds of potato chips.


But hey we're all different so if you have a day off or two pickup that cake and Icecream or box of cookies, maybe apply a barrier cream beforehand just Incase and see how your body handles it.


I think most will agree that sugary things will increase your output but life is too short not to indulge once and awhile.

Last edited by Virdent


I have had my k pouch for 35+yrs but its basic functions/reactions haven't changed since around 6months post op. Maybe I tollerate lactose a bit better but that's it.

I am a chocoholic (used to wear a button that said so!), love all sorts of chocolate, ice cream, licorice and just about anything sweet when I have a sudden craving.

What I do not eat is cake, pastry or anything flour based (other than the licorice). 

I scrape the icing off of the cake but do not eat the cake (yup, I have finally admitted it!) is the cake that kills me not the fat. I tend to mix my sugars with fats, they go down better.

When on a diet (almost never) I used artifically sweetened whipped cream. Gives me the thrill of ice cream without the sugar. 

I also make tons of pure fruit smoothies. If you want them sweeter use some sort of artificial sweetener like stevia. 

My favorites are all berries (blue berries, raspberries, strawberries and for thickness I sometimes add a banana) but I usually just use whatever I have hanging out in the fridge that is about to go bad.

I have stopped using chewing gum but used to love bubble gum for a quick fix (causes severe gas so beware).

Peanut butter works well too but I tend to have very little self control and overdo it...

If you eat cereals etc you can make homemade peanut butter bars with granola, honey, peanut butter and dried fruits like raisins or dates. Just melt the honey & peanut butter together in the microwave, pour it over your favorite granola and mix then flatten out into a greased pan. Let cool and cut.



Sweets increase my output. Chocolate more so than other things. I had a lot of trouble with pouchitis for several years after my surgery. When my surgeon found out I was eating a lot of sweets (my husband ratted me out) , he looked straight at me and said "stop it, right now".  I stopped, it did slow my output, but it still took a while to find a good med for my pouchitis. If you have pouchitis, it doesn't help if you are having an excessive amount of BMs.

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