I ate EVERYTHING without issue for years.
I'm a bit more careful of late, due to some issues with narrowing at the outlet, but as of the last procedure et al, things are pretty good, and my dilator passes just fine. I even started adding back "well chewed" nuts in small amounts. I only go 4-6x a day, no matter what I eat. When thick, I've even hit 3x, but I prefer a looser stool.
Listing what I avoid is easier... Raw apples don't do me well anymore, nor do peaches. I have to eat no more than about 1/2 cup of pineapple (kinda fibrous). Same with watermelon these days. Bananas make things too slow/too thick.
Same with Brussels Sprouts and spaghetti squash and raw carrots: Can eat them, just not MASSIVE amounts.
My best veggie list: salads (all kinds of greens, spinach is great), cucumbers, avocados, cooked broccoli and cauliflower, onions, zucchini and other squash, cooked pepper in moderation (red and yellow better than green), a few beets, tomatoes cooked into stuff (I only avoid raw b/c I hate raw tomatoes), cooked carrot and celery. But even things not listed, often in small amounts are ok if balanced out in a meal.
My best fruits: ANY berry especially strawberries. Grapes and lopes/melons in moderation. Canned peaches in small amounts. Cooked fruits are usually ok (like a small piece of apple pie would be ok). Anything juiced or smoothied is mostly ok, too.