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I'm curious to know if anyone has ever experienced a sharp pain in your chest area? It seemed to have started 10 minutes or so after I downed a glass of juice with a teaspoon of metamucil in it. I thought maybe the coldness of the drink? Possible gas pains? It would be noticeable if I straightened out my back and the pain would intensify. I also felt relief after burping when they would come. 


I also had a bm this morning and for the most part seemed fine except for a slight amount that looked slightly red tinged. Possibly something I ate last night, if it were blood would it be obvious? 


Thank you

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Hi Slightly creative,

How are  you doing? 

Yes, I get certain types of chest pain, usually linked to swallowing too quickly (feels like a square lump of something is stuck in there), a huge air bubble getting stuck, a small elbow in my guts  or some other such thing.

I stopped thinking it was a heart attack every time once I saw a seriously good cardio God...

The other chest/back pain that I used to get was a very unhappy galbladder that rocked and rolled in there and caused horrible heart-attack-like symptoms. 

Hubby saw his cardiologist yesterday for a checkup and mentioned a sharp pinching pain over his heart. Doc told him that it was more than normal and that most people get occasional chest pain.

As for the red traces on the exit side...if it is from the upper G.I. tract then it would be darker brown or black in colour and from the pouch or cuff it would be red...

Any red candies, beets or other red yummies in your diet yesterday.

Hope that you are the way, if the pain comes back, if you have lower jaw pain, radiating pain up your neck, across the shoulder, in the middle of your back  or a sudden headache when you are not a headachy type then please, don't hesitate to call 911 or go strait to the ER. No joke. Better to feel silly or stupid (but still alive)...


Thanks for the reply Sharon, 


After reading your explanation on the feeling you've experienced (like a stuck lump inside the esophagus) 

I'm sure that's all it was. The last bit of juice that was in the cup I rushed down and probably had air trapped inside which caused that pain. 

I've been concerned with some of the colours exiting my behind. I've seen really dark brown, almost black stool before (closer to when I had a pouchoscopy, possibly the cause if anything inside was irritated?) and then today mild reddish tinge. Could anti-biotics be a factor, amongst food in the colouring of stool?


Maybe I should consider getting in touch with my doctors office.


Thank you again. 



My mom taught me that the darker the stool (containing blood) the higher up it started.

So if it is black and tarry it is very old blood (or something else that I don't remember the name of) but fresh blood from local irritation, fissures, ulcers or other such things is bright red or a diluted red due to mucus or other fluids.

Yes, those air bubbles are unusually sharp going down ...

Still, be vigilant...dehydration can also cause chest pain from what they call thickening blood (in cases of severe dehydration) can also cause heart palpitations, sweats, shivers, headaches and joint & muscle aches.

Just be very, very careful (its rabbit hunting season)


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