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Hi all,

I have pain in my anus quite often. I've had hemorrhoid surgery before (UC days) so I thought this might be a small hemorrhoid. But... I also have to strain to empty my pouch and it kind of feels like there is something partially blocking the opening maybe. its tender to touch, but if I do, I also kind of feel something, like a small marble?  Is this normal scarring/healing?

Last time I saw my surgeon, he peeked at my bottom and thought it looked ok. But he didn't really feel around because that just freaks me out.  (After all that we go through, you'd think I would be thicker skinned about this, but no). So we decided to just keep an eye on it until maybe scheduling a scope or something where I can have anesthesia.

Well, its been a couple of weeks now and it's the same. Maybe even a little worse, but I experience pain a little less since I am starting to reduce bathroom trips (8 weeks out from takedown).

Any thoughts about this would be appreciated! 

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Thank you for responding, Scott. Yeah, I need to get it checked. I'm downplaying how much it hurts. does anyone know what it could be so I can ask my surgeon specifically?  I have found my appointments are much more fruitful when I have specific questions. He is good about answering, but if I don't ask, he is usually to rushed to offer up much info. 

are there specific issues, maybe with the staples or something that I should consider?  Strictures?  I hear these terms pm but dint know how they might relate to my experience. 

From what you describe, this could be an anal abscess or anal fissure. Since it is not goinf away, you will need to be examined. You can ask the doctor to use a topical anesthetic since you already know you are tender there. Otherwise, schedule a scope with sedation.


It is the only way to figure out what is going on. It could be a hemorrhoid, but even that would need examination. 



Sorry, me again... now that you folks have enlightened me that it could be an abscess, I did a search here on the topic. oh my. Thank you for replying!

With the pain I feel, and the definite lump, I am quite worried and am wondering if Wednesday (5 days away) is too long to wait?  I would go to the ER, but I'm afraid they don't be familiar with our issues. I have a PPO insurance plan, can I just schedule my own MRI or CT?  Finally, by coincidence, I have a gynecological exam scheduled for Monday, would that provide any answers or should I reschedule that till after this is resolved?  

Just wondering what you might do in my situation. I used to be far too passive in my medical care and now want to be more proactive. 

I would avoid the ER unless you are in extreme pain and/or have a high fever. They'd probably send you on your way to follow up with your regular doctor. They probably would not do imaging unless there was something scary going on. Even lancing has to wait for the abscess to "ripen." Lancing too soon can just spread the infection.


Your GYN exam could definitely shed some light on the diagnosis. Still, a CT or MRI is not the first thing they do, unless you have other unusual symptoms. A simple anal abscess is fairly evident on visual and manual exam. 


So, no, I don't think that 5 days is too long to wait. But be sure to call for an earlier appointment if you get escalating pain or high fever.



Guess I'm talking more fistula vs beginning abscess when I talk about MRI.

Believe me, if it's what I had/have:  perianal fistulas HURT. I told my GI, I'm an ICU nurse, and I see serious, serious problems people have, and if prior to getting this any of them complained like I do about my "tiny" problem, I'd think them nuts. But wow. They really hurt. It's RIGHT THERE, in a very sensitive place.

Pretty hot sitz baths got mine to finally drain, but I ended up in the percentage that developed a fistula after. I'm trucking pretty ok now, with my meds and my seton. Since my last seton placement at the end of February, I've had zero pain, which is marvelous.

Hi all,

my surgeon was good enough to squeeze me into his schedule today. It's an infection. he gave me both cipro and flagyl and I will go back on Wednesday to see if that's helping. I hurt so much right now and am having a tougher time maintaining continence. 

All of your input has really made a difference for me - in knowing a little bit about what I'm talking about and in getting the attention I need. I was concerned about this weeks ago and should have been more vocal then. Thank you for helping me be vocal now. I hope the antibiotics help!

Thank you all again. I have been reading all the other posts about abscesses people have experienced. It seems that, yes, no one has posted that antibiotics alone took care of things, nor is there ever just a simple resolution . :-/. a little good news?  Antibiotics seems to have helped my frequency!  I am 8 weeks out and have been going 15 times a day, but surgeon was not suspecting pouchitis, just thinking my body was slow to adapt. So I am really glad that this got me some antibiotics to address that; though I'm bummed that maybe if we had addressed it initially, I wouldn't have formed an abscess?


Anyway... Can you give just a little more feedback On what I am understanding?

it seems that all abscesses should be surgically drained because they won't clear on their own, and ones that drain in their own might not empty fully or have a large enough opening to heal from the inside out?  

What is the procedure like?  Very painful afterward?  Necessary drain tubes?  Does this leave a big scar?  


When do they determine if it's a fistula, should there be an MRI before any other procedure Or is it determined at the time (I plan to be under so wonder if I could wake to surprises). 

thats enough questions for now. Thank you!

It is a matter of timing in regard to what happen when. Hot soaks help hasten the "ripening" process, where the abscess is walled off and the infection is in a pocket that can be drained. If it comes to the surface, breaks open, and drsins on its own, you need to keep up the soaks in order to keep it open and draining. surgical incision is mot always necessary. It just depends on how large and/or deep it is. You also do not want it to sit without drainage too long, or it can lead to a fistula. Generally, it is after some time (weeks or months) without progress that a fistula is suspected. 


I am not sure if antibiotics at an earlier time would have prevented this. Maybe, but impossible to know. People who never had rectal surgery get these.



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