The problem is, I sort of see both sides here. While it bothers me to see ostomies depicted in such an negative light and I understand why the ad strikes a nerve, at the same time, I don't think the ad is meant to stigmatize those with ostomies as much as it is meant to show people who choose to smoke what could happen if they do not curb the habit. This ad targets a very specific audience. While an ostomy greatly improves the quality of life for many IBD patients, the difference between ourselves and the smokers targeted in this ad is that we have a disease, through no fault of our own, that may be "cured" or improved by an ostomy, whereas with smokers, they have made a choice that could lead to an ostomy, and since this end result could be avoided by quitting smoking, it therefore remains within their power to prevent it. All other things being equal, I do not believe there is anyone in the world who would choose an ostomy over a functioning colon. So if there was a way that you could prevent that outcome, wouldn't you at least try? While IBD patients did not have that choice, many smokers still do. They can quit and keep their colon function relatively stable. That is the difference, and that is the message this ad is trying to convey. Nobody wants an ostomy and that is the bottom line. The difference here is a situation that can potentially be avoided vs. a situation that cannot. In that context, the ad does not offend me.
I also want to add that I lived with an ostomy for over 2.5 years, so I speak from experience. I've lived through all the faces of having an ostomy, positive and negative alike. While I adjusted to my ostomy, it would never be my first choice to go back to one. I'd have to have a severely compromised quality of life before I made that decision. I also want to add that I did encounter a few people at the IBD clinic who hated their ostomies so much, they would rather be dead than continue to live with theirs. It upset me to hear that, but it's a harsh reality for many who have to have an ostomy for one reason or another. I feel very lucky that I never held such a negative opinion of mine. But again, it's not something I would ever willingly choose to do over. Just food for thought.