Afternoon, I have been reading posts on this site for some time before I got my pouch and afterwards, very helpful place!!
I want to have a vent, so if anybody has any recommendations please provide some input. My takedown was on the 9th March past.. All went well, out of the hospital 5days later, even though 30+ trips per day with very little sleep & lot of pain. Pain has reduced to almost none since leaving, however the trips increased to around 40per day. I am sitting in my hospital bed (booked for a dialation) only to be told that the dialation was not carried out as all looked fine, also no strictures ��. He did see a little bit of inflamed area were the pouch and Anus is joined. But didn't seem concerned, and didn't offer anything to help this.
So I am no better off, but burn, 40+ trips per day, with little to NO sleep will continue also very little appetite. I understand things take time to settle down after a reversal, & until they do there will be a lot of bathroom trips but isn't 3 weeks a long time? Shouldn't things become a little normal by now!? ..feeling frustrated! Can anybody have any input?
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