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Anyone else have an elevated Partial Thromboplastin Time?  Mine was at 46 (the norm being 23-37).  I was scheduled to have deviated septum surgery and that's now been postponed and I have to go for more testing since the first two tests came back high for this.  I didn't have this issue when I had my j-pouch surgery.  Could the buildup and/or backing up of gas in my gut, or straining to relieve the pouch be damaging my liver, or something like gas x, bean-o, immodium, or even high amounts of psyllium creating an issue?

Last edited by dcpropilot
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The only thing I can think of as being gut related is malabsorbtion of vitamin K, which is important for clotting factors. The colon absorbs some of it, so the lack of a colon, along with a possibility of poor absorbtion could lead to vitamin K deficiency and clotting dysfunction. It is pretty rare though. Most of our vitamin K is made by bacteria in the gut.


Further testing is necessary to rule out underlying diseases, like lupus or liver dysfunction. But, if your liver enzymes were OK, it probably is not the liver.


The main thing is that you don't want elective surgery if there might be a bleeding tendency!



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