Originally Posted by Jan Dollar:
Most of us have a j-pouch for inflammatory bowel disease or cancer, but there have been a few with colonic inertia. I suppose your docs figured that your rectum was still functioning or they would not have left it in. That said, a j-pouch may work for you, but understand that it will not be the same as a healthy rectum and colon. The goal is to be functional, not perfect. But, I don't think you are looking for perfection.
Hi Jan, I'm Teresa. 
Ahh, okay then. Most with inflammatory bowel disease or cancer.
Interesting. Not many with bad colonic inertia. Hmh.
Thanks so much for coming by so quickly.
Actually, after my defecogram, it was obvious to all docs and my surgeon, that my rectum would pose problems and wasn't near functioning properly, BUT I didn't want a Stoma. We discussed this aspect of the problem with my rectum and potential problems due to it's poor function, very very seriously.
I'm huge huge fitness, business, travel all of it. It would change my life drastically. So, we decided to "try" and see if we could do the ileorectal anastomisis and just "hope" that there was enough muscle there. I'm sure I sound redundant. Most "mindsets" fit here don't they. We all want to try to "be close to where we were" with the least amount of change/trauma all of it. It's a huge deal for everyone for sure.
Many surgeons would not have been so accommodating but he was and I'm grateful.
He really worked with me. Some would have gone straight for a bag.
It's challenging but, I think there is a stricture as said.
I have a question if it's not too invasive. Plus, I like how you said that, not looking for perfection. Yes, you are right. I really had a hard time wrapping my head around how big this surgery was until not too long ago as well. I mean all of our gut flora etc, I got that part, but the other aspects of the surgery in structure and function, much bigger deal than I really wanted to acknowledge.
QUESTION: Did you get a J-Pouch and how does it feel? What are potential problems? I have super bad IBS from this but I'm doing a heavy Sporonax bowel yeast treatment soon. I came in with a lot of bowel yeast in colon, and on Diflucan but it seems yeast is becoming resistant to Diflucan and man this surgery, really made it feel painful with all the fermenting. I can release gas much of the time and it stays stuck. I'm hoping this BAD razor blading from gas is the yeast. If it is, then it will calm down in a couple of weeks on treatment. It's really painful. My script is filled next week. I have a USA doctor for somethings as far as cause treating a condition I have , but I'm in Canada. Surgery was Canada.
And again, thankyou so much. I am grateful for so many that stay to help, that have been there.