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I had the J-Pouch surgery back in 2010. Everything's been going fine. Last week, I noticed some fresh blood though. Later in the day when I used the restroom, there was absolutely none. Then again, this morning, I noticed some fresh blood. I have had some minor cramping but not like the UC cramps - it's been higher up and followed by some indigestion, etc. I'm also not getting any of the urgency that I used to get with UC flare ups.


Is it normal every so often to have some blood in the stool? I keep thinking perhaps it's in internal hemorrhoid, etc.but I've got no pain in the rectal area, etc. Anyway, I'm curious to see how things work out today but I do think it's strange that I'll have some blood and then none at all within the same day. Doesn't really compute. Any thoughts? Is it premature to schedule an endoscopy / colonoscopy? I really, really don't want to find out that I have CD after five years of great results. 

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I've said to myself from the beginning with my j pouch that if I ever see blood I'm calling my doctor. (I was a big bleeder with my UC) I would be suspicious only because of the cramping you indicated and not ever having seen blood in the last five years. Never hurts to get checked out, especially if you're due for a scope anyway. 

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