I am having some super strong upper to mid abdominal pain that comes in waves (kinda like contractions) that stop me in my tracks. I haven't had a bowel movement since like 2:30/3 today, so not for close to 5-5 1/2 hours. I am pacing the floor, stretching, using a heating pad and just had some tea to try and help things along. I am becoming more nauseous and am wondering how long do I wait to call the doctor? If I go anywhere it'll be the ER and I HATE the ER cause they never know what to do with me. Any advice is more than welcome.
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Unfortunately, if you don't pass after trying all that you are trying, the only option is ER. The key is to get to ER before you are dehydrated. In my case, one or two times I waited too long and once I was dehydrated, I had no energy left to make it to ER. I had to get an ambulance take me. I hope your blockage clears up soon, and you don't have to go to ER. No one understand you there and most of the time have no clue what to do.
Thanks... I am waiting for my husband to get home before making a decision cause that it'll be 7 hours since this started and I almost never go that long without emptying my pouch. I hate the ER. They throw you in a cat scan, pump pain meds, send you on your way w follow up instructions OR they tell you you must have a fancy stomach ache and to let it sit for a few days before calling the doctor. I find the nurses much more sympathetic to my plight than the actual doctors.
It's been a couple of days. How are you feeling? Did the blockage pass? I can totally relate to your feelings about the ER. I also loathe it because they don't know what to do with me. The last time I was there for a blockage, which was in September of last year (on a Sunday, of course), the ER physician had absolutely no clue what a j-pouch was, despite my attempts to explain it to him. I actually don't think he was really listening. He twice asked me to show him my ostomy bag and repeatedly asked me how many times I'd emptied "the bag" in the last 24 hours. I was then sent for x-rays and all he could tell me was that "there was a bulge on the x-ray but it might be your pouch." So very reassuring. Luckily I was able to contact my surgeon by email who reviewed my x-rays. But unless I'm in absolutely dire straights, I will not go to the ER. Most of my partial obstructions pass on their own after 12-24 hours, though I may be sore for a few days afterwards. But unless the pain is very severe or I'm vomiting, I usually try to ride them out at home first. It's just not worth being hung up in the ER for hours when they haven't a clue what to do with me anyway.
Anyway, sorry to ramble--just comiserating. I really hope you are feeling better and that the blockage passed.
I am also having pain in my right side. I am having bowel movements but not as often and have not had to take any lomotil for 2 days. Could I have some kind of blockage or beginning to get one. My surgeon is 5 hours away. Do you think if I called my family physician he could help. Should I start there and let him tell me to call my surgeon. I also have autoimmune diseases (lupus, plus others, neuropathy, and in October had a mass of fibromas removed from my brain.) Having to make the 5 hour trip really is hard on me. Can you have a partial blockage or polyps in your small bowel or pouch?
Yes, you can get polyps in your pouch. With FAP you need regular follow up to check for this.
Any of us can be prone to partial or full obstructions. Whether you need to be seen largely depends on the severity of your symptoms. But, if you think you have an obstruction, you need to stop solid foods, stop all bowel slowers, and increase fluids. It can take a few days to resolve. But, if the pain becomes severe or you cannot keep fluids down, you just have to go to the ER or urgent care.