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I am nearly 20 years post op and never drink electrolyte solutions (mostly because I dislike them). I drink when thirsty and if feeling tired or "off." The only time I have had serious dehydration issues is when I have been ill. But, I do not do extreme workouts or spend long periods working in the heat, etc.. I do not limit my salt intake either.


My personal guideline has always been the color of my urine. If it is too yellow, I need more fluids. Muscle aches and headaches can be a sign of dehydration.



I avoid those drink unless I am in dire need but I can't even remember the last time I had them.  Plus they are high in sugar which can lead to diarrhea.  


I do drink an incredible amount of water every day.  on non hot days around 100-120 oz.  On hot days it could be 3-4x that amount.


My hydration level is good.

I use NUUN tablets in water when I think I need something more that water.  They are sold retail some places but I order them from NUUN themselves or  A cyclist on here told me about them years ago.  There is no big flavor like a gatorade. I believe you can find out where they are sold retail in your zip code from their site. I can tell I'm getting dehydrated when the tips of my fingers are shriveled up, headache starting and or aching legs.  If you got to you can find many other things like a solution to put in your water to fight hangovers!  

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