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Hey, everyone. Haven't been around much; still too much stress and not enough time in each day; sorry. Hope you all are doing well!


Looking for a bit of help from those who are "permanently" on a low-residue diet. I'm still needing to maintain that after my pouch advancement last summer. Things are very slowly getting better, but I am still fighting a lot of incontinence and BB, not to mention gas and partial blockages. Hence the continuing low-residue diet. My surgeon has informed me that I will probably be on a slightly modified lr diet for the rest of my life.


But here's the deal: I hate it. I mean, I really really really really REALLY HATE IT!


In my previous life, I was the person who would eat anything, and I do mean anything. I traveled a lot and always tried the local specialties. I like good food. I like fresh veg and fruit; I like spice. I love a good, hefty, grainy bread. I am in dietary hell now. I won't list everything I hate about a low-residue diet because it would be, pretty much, everything.


I know, I know. I'm lucky to be alive and I have not more fistula or internal infections, and that's a good thing. But it has gotten to the point that I wake up every morning depressed by the fact that I have to eat such nasty food all day long. This is not a good way to start the day!


So. I'm looking for tips from others; what do you eat? Is there anything I can do to make things tastier besides adding salt or sugar? What are your go-to snacks?


And please keep in mind that when I say "low-residue diet" I am referring to the super-strict version: white breads/pastas only (not even oatmeal!), no onions (etc.), NO fresh fruit/veg at all except bananas and a very small amount of overripe melon, no lentils, etc. Can only manage one very small serving of veg/fruit juice a day, so juicing is not an option.


If anyone has any ideas or tips, I'd be eternally grateful.


Thanks for putting up with my whining,


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GinLyn, as I read your post, I was nodding my head. Sorry I don't have advice for you, but I will tell you that I know that feeling from when I had my j-pouch as recently as five weeks ago (perm ileo now.) I had an eating disorder in my early twenties. When I got beyond it, I swore I would never let food dictate my life. Ironically, I got UC, a disease that dictates what I do and don't eat. Then, a j-pouch that did the same. I hope you get some suggestions on how to make food fun again.

Hi Gin,

I am so sorry...this sucks. Really. I am a foodie and consider it torture that I cannot partake of all of the goodies that I so love.

I have a 'real' low residue diet as opposed to the conventional 'bland-ulcer low residue' diet that you are on.

Years ago when they did my k pouch they explained to me the difference. The 'white' bread, pasta, potaotes, rice & eggs diet was what they used to give ulcer patients and started to pass off later as low residue bland. 

They warned me off of it with my pouch and told me to stick to a 'real' low residue meaning mostly proteins only. It is very pouch friendly...leaves very little behind in the pouch and can be very tasty.

I marinate chicken, fish or lean meats with herbs/spices (tumeric, garlic, paprika and lemon...) and grill dry on a tefal pan. Sometimes I have a bowl of tomato soup or other homemade veggie soup (baby pumpkin, squash, zucchini...) that is also pouch friendly (you can add a potato to it to make it friendlier too). It leaves me pouch-happy and not in danger of too much gas, cramping or anything else.

I eat soft nuts and chew well (or nut butters) and hard cheese as snacks and drink an activia to keep up the good bacteria. Soya is not my friend so those protein bars are out.

I allow myself  carb day a usually costs me dearly but I pick a day off of work so that when my pouch screams I don't make a fool of myself in front of my students.

Lots of herbs and spices are very pouch friendly...I just crushed a clove of garlic with chopped flat parsley, butter/olive oil and salt, heated gently and then added whole grain pasta (the only kind that doesn't turn to wall paper paste in my pouch)...yummy, not boring and easy on the pouch.

Marinating stuff works well too...tehina is great and so are sesame seeds for adding flavour to bland foods...if you can't do the seeds then use the sesame oil with lemon, garlic and corriander (cilantro)...then grill the meat or fish..won't hurt your pouch and may help your morale!



I'm sort of wondering the same thing. Takedown in October and told not to eat beef or pork. No fresh fruits or veggies.  I am now eating whole grains, cooked veggies, thinking I need to not do much dairy. Am now being treated with antibiotic for pouchitis which is binding. someone mentioned butt burn being from diet. So i look up ph levels to see what that has to say and it's pretty much eat all fruits and veggies!!!

what did all of you eat so soon after takedown? I know I was told to experiment, everyone's different. Try introducing and see how it goes but I am really terrified to just try fruits and veggies since I already feel horrible ( terrible rectal itching ). 

I too love food! Help!

Sorry to hear about your situation, Gin.  Sounds frustrating, indeed.  Can I ask what the surgeon's explanation is for the issues that apparently resulted from the pouch advancement?  Curious, as my surgeon as suggested a PA due to my fistula....


I'm not a long-term low residue dieter, but perhaps have a few ideas in addition to Sharon's.   Instead of oatmeal, there are other hot cereals such as cream of wheat, and malt-o-meal (even chocolate malt-o-meal!), etc.  Both with honey drizzled on, pretty good. 


And -- avocados.  Smash them and put them on toast, whole as garnishes, or wrap them in a piece of turkey or other deli meat.  IMO, when smashed, they need nothing added outside of a little salt, but a tiny bit of lime juice is nice.  If you have a low-spice salsa that you can handle, that's good mixed in as well.


Meats prepared in a crockpot might be a little easier on the "system", again - IMO.  They get broken down to a tender, melty consistency (chicken, turkey, roast beef).


Good luck with the diet, and all the other things going on in your life.  Keep us updated?




Hi GinLyn,


Sorry to hear about your predicament! I'm on a somewhat modified diet myself currently for adhesions. You sound like you have quite a few more restrictions than I do, but I do have a few suggestions.

Can you eat avocados? The reason I ask is that they are great sources of omega-3 and potassium, are low residue, and are quite filling on their own. I usually mash or puree it up to make guacamole - which of course gives you a lot of flavour.  I will often take an avocado, make guac, then add some shredded cheddar on top. I melt that in the micorwave, then top with a few spoonfulls of cottage cheese, sour cream or plain greek yogurt. It's very satisfying flavour-wise. Kind of appeases my inner foodie.

Last edited by Spooky

Aw, man, I am SO sorry that I didn't get to reply earlier! Too, too much going on right now.


Thank you all for your suggestions. Sharon, what you say about the differences with "real" low-residue diets makes sense. I guess mine is more the "so bland you will die of boredom" diet.  I have gotten a sort of routine down that is survivable, but I really don't like it. Still cannot have more than 3 very small servings of ANY time of fruit/veg a day or I pay for it, big time. It stinks.


Someone asked about the reason for the diet with the pouch advancement; I'm sorry, I can't remember who. Basically, it's the same as when I first got the J-Pouch; have to start off very careful and slowly try new things. I was warned my full recovery would take a year, which won't be until June. And things are getting better, just very, very slowly. I don't know if I'm maybe having a bit of a rougher time due to age or damage to my body from way too many surgeries, or what. Right now I'm just incredibly frustrated.



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