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Hi there, pretty new to the site. Had my takedown surgery due to UC Aug 2014 and slowly adapting to things. I've been on Cirpro/Flagyl for a good part of this time to assist with pouchitis symptoms. A couple questions:


1. What other antibiotic alternatives you have found to be beneficial for pouchitis other than Cipro/Flagyl? I find the Cipro binds my stool and makes it more formed which makes it difficult at times to empty the pouch. Would also be nice to have the odd glass of wine or beer which you can't do on Flagyl...


2. Is it OK to take VSL3 or another probiotic while on antibiotics or should you be off antibiotics when taking probiotics?


Thanks for your help. This site is very useful as an information source!


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All antibiotics thicken the stool as they decrease the bacteria causing the inflammatory response.  It's not just Cipro.  If they aren't thickening the stool they probably aren't working either.


Regarding probiotics there is a debate as to their effectiveness when taken with antibiotics, but if taken with antibiotics this should be done between dosages.



Last edited by CTBarrister

I had my takedown in June so we are close in the time-line.  I've been fighting pouchitis from the beginning too. 


I had a stricture dilated the other day and it has may a big difference for me.  I'm still fighting with my insurance company about them covering VSL3-DS.  I just started up the VSL3 (normal dose) over the weekend and I've some improvements. 


Have you had your pouch looked at since your take-down?

Hi KS1905,


We're actually very similar. I'm going in for a dilation this Tuesday and hope to have the same results as you. Had a scope a month ago and things looked good. The only concern from a recent CT was narrowing due to a stricture. I'm in Canada, not sure if we can get VSL3 covered but I will try. I bought one month supply on my own and I find it increases gas but can't say I've been using it everyday. Have you been using Cipro/Flagyl as well?

Flagyl and Entocort have been working good for me.  I had to lower the dosage of Flagyl because it causes me Thrush. 


I was taking Xifaxian prior to Flagyl but that didn't work as well for me as Flagyl but it didn't cause me Thrush.


I don't like Cipro so I asked for it to be used as a last resort.


I am getting some symptoms again so I need to probably get dilated for a 2nd time but it still so much better then it was months ago.

I am now experiencing pouchitis also ( for the first time) and am on Cipro and having the same problem. My pharmacist ( that I love and trust-knows all my issues) told me to not only continue my probiotic but to double up but not take at the time of the cipro. And to also take my multivitamin at a different time as well- couple hours after the cipro.

Originally Posted by CTBarrister:

Is the thrush worse than the pouchitis? Have you taken nystatin for the thrush?

It's really not a "than", it is more of an "in conjunction with".  The thrush makes my pouchitis symptoms worse and on top of that it makes me really exhausted almost to the point that I can't function.  I tried Nystatin for 10 days cycles a few times and it would always come back after I stopped.  I am now on Diflucan continuously while on Flagyl.  As soon as I stop the Difucan the Thrush comes back within a few days.


For right now Flagyl (325 mgs), Entocort, Diflucan and VSL3 seem to be working for me.  I think I have a stricture coming back otherwise I'd try to tapper these meds.  I need to get back in and see the GI, just have to find some time.

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