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Hi everybody!  I'm new here and need some advice please.


I had my take-down surgery in May of 2014 and my abdomen still swells up regardless of what I eat or how much or how little I eat.  My Dr./Surgeon says this is normal.  I'm in my 8th month post op.  From others I've read about, this doesn't seem normal to me.

Since my 3rd Surgery I have been on antibiotics while I was hospitalized a few times and the antibiotics and total bowel rest did help me.  But I think my swelling went down because of the total bowel rest, since several times at home I've put myself on total bowel rest, and after a few days my abdomen went back to a normal size.  But, I don't want to drink my meals the rest of my life. (and yes I've got a wonderful blender and protein powder for smoothies, but they make me swell up also)

I want to eat and I need to gain weight!  As John Pinette would say, "I'm Starvin!"  LOL
I've still got cramping and gurgling sounds and I usually look like I'm about 7 to 8 months pregnant at all times.


Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!  

Last edited by Lesa
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I had my surgery 5 years ago due to UC and I get gurgles and gas. my dr says it is from all the scar tissue.  I also had problems.  As time goes by I seem to manage food a little better  I still can not eat certain foods for fear of pain.  I also thank the Lord that I am still here. I do take the same vitamins that Lesa takes and antibiotic every day. I also add a protein drink in between meals.  I am having a hard time gaining weight.  I don't eat anything gassy and I chew my food very well and drink a lot of water.  I eat and drink only lactate free and sometimes that bothers me. Everything is trial and error you have to know your body what you can tolerate and what you can't. as time goes by you will know how your body reacts. . I have learned a lot from everyone here.  I hope you find answers   Stay healthy   Grace















Lesa, it looks like you had peritonitis, based on your history. So, you are much more likely to have widespread adhesions (internal scar tissue) than those of us who did not have that complication. I had a minor leak, but it stayed localized and did not require open surgery to deal with it. Unfortunately, if these adhesions are persistently causing trouble, it takes another surgery to release them. More surgery can mean new adhesions, so they only do it as a ladt resort. Unless there is a severe restriction of the bowel, they don't show up on imaging. They diagnose them by eliminating all other causes of your symptoms. Hopefully, it is something simple.



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