Hey there everyone,
Im new to this- but am desperate for advice. I got diagnosed with UC when I was younger (had symptoms at age 9, got diagnosed at 13), then no drugs helped, did remicade and prednisone, immurane and asicol. Nothing worked until I got diagnosed with Colon Cancer at age 18 and then had my entire colon removed and given a Ileostomy. My ileostomy was short lived when it stopped working and had nothing coming out of the stoma. Turns out my intestines tied themselves in a knot and I ended up with a J-pouch only a month after my first surgery. Things were okay for a bit until i started getting sick alot more. My immune system was down, i seizured a few times and fainted aswell. Bathroom visits increased to 9-10 per night and alot during the day despite me trying everything to control diets to limit my bathroom visits. Now im loosing weight, theres blood in my stool (bright red- and alot of it), im having abdominal pain and am tired ALL the time. I have trouble even walking sometimes. I've contacted my GI, and set up a appointment but the wait times longer than expected. At my last appointment she did a quick scope and said I had pouchitis and put me on antibiotics. She did mention she was worried I may have been misdiagnosed with UC and it actually be Crohns. Is this common? Has anyone else had UC, gone through surgery and then it end up being Crohns? PS- my identical twin sister has Crohns. She didn't show any signs of the disease until she was 19 though. I had it alot earlier. Any suggestions or advice? help!