I won't attempt to list my multiple surgeries that got me to where I am now! I will say as a member of the medical community that it sounds as if some need to find a colorectal surgeon that can give you the answers that you deserve. I have had my JPouch since 2008. A few takedowns and now permanent pouch since 2009. yes, I have the same problems many of you do, and there are days I have to make myself get out of the bed because I have been up all night going to the bathroom. But when I look back at what I ate the evening before or maybe it was a stressful day, it seems to be the answer. The best thing I ever did though was start with a great colo-rectal guy. He can't keep me from having pouchitis, etc, but he has been a saving grace thru most of the problems. I currently take Lomotil/Atropine 2 before each meal and 2 at bedtime, Cipro 500 twice daily when I have a flareup, and Desipramine for the rectal pain. I beg you to please seek out a good dr before you throw in the towel. I have contemplated the permanent reversal at times too, but when I look back at how hard it was for me to stay hydrated because of the high output, the skin excoriation, etc...it would have to be really bad for me to convert back. I think everyone should do what works best for you. If I have learned one thing since all this started is you know your body better than ANYONE!!!
My colo-rectal surgeon is in New Orleans, he was in Atlanta at the time of my original surgery. I make the trek to wherever he is to get scoped and he has given me his cell number and he emails me if I have a problem. That is worth it's weight in gold. Find a doc that has that type of relationship with you. Also, Coloplast has lots of new products out if you decide to reverse. They still send me info and samples! LOL Good luck to all in whatever you decide...we are def a different breed!