Thank you very much for your suggestions. I have been wanting so badly to go that route,because of so much that is happened here, with not much results and well to be honest besides the fact that our medical system here sucks! Sorry

with all do respect, I changed from one hospital to another and they really don't seem to no more then the other. To be honest they don't really specialize in j pouches or at least with complicated cases! But are to dam proud to refer you to someone who is.
With all the people I've mentored in my city, I've come to see that they push for ileostomies 95% of the time!
Could this be a political thing? Who knows, but a whole lot of young/older people as well whom I have had the honors to have met, and by what they have told me, in regards to their health info. Had never been told about the j pouch or the kock pouch? So that kind of gets me wondering...
So that's why my curiousity,keeps taking towards CC to see what they would tell me. But being unemployed,with 2 girls in university, kind of puts a damper on things, not to mention quilt.
Thank goodness for this forum that keeps us educated as well as hopeful, knowing that we are not alone. God bless each and every single one of you