Wow! I thought that VBAC was out of favor now that repeat c-section is safer than VBAC. What does your OB think?
I had a VBAC back in 1987 when it was the thing to do. My OB referred to it as a "squeaker," meaning if my son was any bigger we could not do it. He turned out to be 9 pounds 15 ounces. My first son (c-cection) was only 8.5 pounds, but breech. I did wind up with a 4th degree laceration with my VBAC, but it healed really well and i have not had any issues with continence with my j-pouch (but it was 8 years before j-pouch surgery). I do have other pelvic floor damage, cystocele and rectocele, that may cause issues as time goes on.
Good luck with your delivery. Be prepared for a c-section, no matter what you plan for. Anything can happen in that delivery room.