I have been having recurring issues with regards to my j-pouch possibly, abdominal and rectal pain, at times it become unbearable when I am straining to go. I had originally gone to my university's clinic and saw the NP and doctor there, blood work came back good. It kind of died down a bit that was about two weeks ago. Then this week it is back again and it feels horrible. Went to the ER yesterday, they ran blood tests which were normal and also did a Cat scan...they said it looks ok except what they are calling diverticulitis but it did not seem to worry them as they sent me home. The problem is my pain went down because they gave me dilaudid and they took that as I improved. I know diverticulitis happens in the colon and not having one, I am baffled as to what they saw. anyone able to shed light on this? They did not do a complete check of my j-pouch and i only saw the ER doc, no specialists at all. Today, I am feeling the pain still, it hurts to go and i do not know what to do next. i do not have a go to GI to look into things yet as i am gonna apply for some type of government care soon.