Greek yogurt is good and has probiotics in it which is good for her. I make fruit/vegetable protein smoothies with PlantFusion protein mix. It is hypoallergenic everything and my Nutritionist suggested it for me. You can look it up on line and type in your zip code to find out where it is sold locally and/or you can buy on-line from Amazon and places like that. I mix in frozen or fresh fruits and toss in a veggie most of the time as well. I mix with ice cubes and milk. I'm not lactose intolerant. It tastes too good to be good for me and supplies 43% of the daily required protein.
I eat a lot of baked chicken. I try to eat only one serving of beef a week about the size of a deck of cards as my pouch doesn't do as well with it. I still have pizza but no mushrooms and not as spicy as before. It is better if I have less ingredients than before. I don't like spicy anymore and it's a good thing as it causes more butt burn for me. Cheese pizza with one or two toppings at the max. Mushrooms go straight through and can cause blockages in the beginning. Some folks on here have no problems.
Taco's are better made out of fish or chicken.
Bagels really firm up stools. English Muffins are good with natural peanut butter or butter and cinnimin or honey etc. Bananas are great for potassium, I usually use half to one a day in my smoothie. NUUN are the tablets I use for hydrating my water. I order them on-line but you can buy them retail too. You can look them up on line too. These are great as they come in tubes and you can carry with and mix with your own water.
I think I've covered some teenager foods she might enjoy. Good Luck