If you are experiencing long term pelvic pain (burning, feeling cut, ripped torn, hard time standing long periods, worse pain in the evening, difficulty having sex) there are options for you. Seek out a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic pain disorders and get an assessment. She can help you determine if there is nerve damage or structural issues. The physical therapist will also be aware of the best doctors who help treat pelvic pain disorders near your area. Seek treatment from a doctor specializing in pelvic pain disorders. A Gyn or OB will not have the skills to help you. You need a specialist who will know how to deal with nerve damage, pain caused by nerve damage etc. Between a physical therapist and doctor both specializing in pelvic pain disorders there are really good options for finding relief from chronic pelvic pain. I have recently been dx'd with pudendal neuralgia and am in the process of getting the help I need. Please seek help and don't let fear keep you from seeking the right treatments.
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