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Hi everyone,

I am from Vancouver, BC. I'm 2 weeks post op from the third of three steps. Everything seems to be going well. Bowel movements at 5-6 per day sometimes watery and sometimes semi-solid, anal burning under control, pain down to a minimum and farting out most of the gas. However, I am wondering about introducing new things such as exercise, alcohol, different foods, etc. How have your experiences been? Any advice?

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I am 21 years out and pretty much agree with all the advice of WWDomenic. It is a trial and error process. Pouch function will be evolving for up to 1 year post takedown. Your body has had a serious surgical re-alignment and needs time to adjust. The pace and degree to which everyone does that varies. Foods that might be a problem now, are no problema a year from now. Slow and easy is the best advice, and try new foods in isolation. Good luck.
Total agreement with all...even after all these years of having mine (36 and counting) its still trial and error. I can eat the same thing twice and have different responses to it...depends on rest, exercise, and stress level. What i have found is that you have to take it one day at a time...celebrate the good stuff and learn from the mistakes...i sound like some old person giving sage advice but it has proven itself true each time....hang in there and celebrate feeling better!
Hard to tell as your system adjusts. You are only 2 weeks out, and you'll go through watery to pasty stools off and on, I think.

Sleep, if you can get it, is great for healing. As I recall, I was up 2 or 3 times a night in the beginning. Now I usually only get up once at night. . .and only b/c I eat right before bed.

The best advice I can give is:
1) Listen to your body.
2) Take it slow.

Hopefully in a few months, you'll be out and about, putting your life back together!

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